Little Tiger Chinese Immersion School

Preschool Through Elementary School in Austin, Texas


Preschool and Kinder: 2-5 Years Old

Immersion education is most effective when it starts early. Beginning at the age of 2, Little Tiger students are fully immersed in a Chinese language environment. Activities in our preschool classrooms are conducted 100% in Chinese.

Through play, stories, songs, and daily routines, our teaching team helps our children absorb the Chinese language in a way that mimics native language acquisition.

Montessori-Inspired, Play-Based Curriculum

Montessori methods and materials are incorporated throughout our preschool classrooms. Play-responsive activities give students opportunities to follow their interests, fostering independence, focus, and agency. Through learning centers, students explore topics independently and in small groups. Creative play, art, music and practical life skills are also emphasized in their daily experiences at school.

Foundational Skills for Learning

In Preschool classes, students build a foundation for listening and speaking, learn to focus on a task, and navigate collaboration and conflict in social settings.

By Kindergarten, students’ strong language foundations and developmental readiness allow for more academic activities particularly in math (Singapore Math), language arts (Chinese reading) and English literacy.

Differentiation & Mixed-Age Classrooms

Our Early Childhood curriculum is differentiated to ensure students are always appropriately challenged. Our team closely observes each student’s developmental milestones across a range of areas to help them progress to new stages.

Mixed-age classrooms foster cooperation across age groups. Older children develop leadership skills, responsibility for others, and pride in themselves by assisting their younger classmates. In turn, younger children learn from their older peer models, challenging themselves and taking on increasingly complex tasks.

Sample Schedule

8:15-8:30Drop Off *
8:15 – 9:30Playground Free Play + Snack
9:30 – 10:00SEL Morning Circle
10:00 – 12:00Montessori Work: Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Science
Project & Play Learning
Chinese Reading Program
12:00 – 12:30Lunch
12:30-1:55Nap **
2:15-2:45Theme-Based Story Time
2:45-3:05Playground Free Play
3:05-3:15Dismissal *
3:15 – 5:15After School Program

* For Tiger Cub (PreK-2) students, drop off is 8:45am and dismissal is 2:15pm.
** Kinder students no longer have Nap in their daily schedule.